Recent content by MT10SP

  1. M

    New 2018 Tracer 900

    The price according to Yamaha web site is £10,649. A bit too expensive I think.
  2. M

    New 2018 Tracer 900

    The price looks about right. Mines a 2016 but I don’t think it’s worth trading in. I’ll stick with mine for the moment.
  3. M

    New 2018 Tracer 900

    They’ve jumped the gun a bit. Yamaha hadn’t announced the price yet!
  4. M

    Bike manual

    He's after the Workshop manual not the Owners Manual.
  5. M


    See above. I took the Akro Ti off my friends MT09 and fitted it to my Tracer. They are the SAME [emoji4]
  6. M


    I got an akro Ti for a MT09 off a mate and fitted it to my Tracer.
  7. M

    The tracer ecu flash is here..!

    Pre 2017 models always defaulted to STD
  8. M

    Speed wobble

    I switched to the other screen because I couldn't stand the noise and the turbulence from the original screen. If it cured the wobble that I hadn't experienced then all the better!
  9. M

    Speed wobble

    That's why I chose the screen I couldn't stand the buffeting from the original one.
  10. M

    Speed wobble

    The screen is the only thing I've touched on my bike, not even had to adjust the chain yet. Well that's not strictly true I did change the brake and clutch levers for some cheap Chinese ones[emoji4]
  11. M

    Speed wobble

    I have the Powerbronze sports screen and have never experienced a wobble at any speed, so I would say it's the screen as well.
  12. M

    Speed wobble

    I've had mine with Shad panniers at 115mph cranked over following a BMW S1000RR with no problems at all. [emoji4] I've never experienced a wobble at any speed.
  13. M

    Service manual

    Yes, go to the Yamaha web site.
  14. M

    Letter to Yamaha HQ and no reply...

    You would have thought so, but there were still plenty available in dealers advertising on the internet. But they couldn't deliver mine even though they had my deposit for 5 months.
  15. M

    Letter to Yamaha HQ and no reply...

    I did cancel the order, they didn't seem that bothered!
