Rushed into hospital


Oct 9, 2015
Reaction score
La Sauvetat de Dropt
I was rushed into hospital this evening after having blacked out, thankfully nothing serious.
They put me on oxygen for a bit but I kept drifting in and out off consciousness.
I was lying there drifting in and out when I was woken by a young nurse. She was giving me a wash and I asked her, to see if my testicles were black.
I was getting agitated as she ignored me, so I asked her again. She looked at me blushing and said I am only here to give you a light bed bath and not a full bed wash. I was really getting rattled now so I insisted she take a look. Sheepishly she pulled the sheets back from the bed and had a look at my testicles, carefully she lifted my penis to one side. She gently reassured me that my testicles were okay and normal.
It was then I removed my oxygen mask and thanked her, she had obviously misunderstood my request as what I actually wanted to know was,
Are my test results back.
