Review after 250 miles


Jul 27, 2014
Reaction score
Well I've managed to do a few miles on my new bike since I got home.

First impressions after the test ride at the Dealer, were that I would need a different seat (I opted for the Street Rally seat) and a screen (Yamaha one).
These duly arrived and fitted to my bike.

After my first decent run I thought I needed to adjust the suspension, it was a bit bouncy front and rear (probably doesn't help I'm 15 stone). Thanks to Triple Trouble for his settings. Tried them out. It's made a big difference.

Happy with the new seat, I don't slide toward the tank anymore. But didn't realise that it's quite a bit taller than the standard one, I've only got short legs. It's still bloody hard though. Arse is sore after about 80 miles.

Still have an issue with windblast even with the Yamaha screen. My head is in clear air which is great, there is nothing worse than buffeting. But at speeds in excess of 80 mph (on private roads Officer) I'm getting a lot of pressure on my body and can't maintain that speed for long. For Info I'm 5' 10".

Looking on the Forum some folks don't seem to have an issue with speeds even in excess of that. Maybe I need to try a taller screen like the Powerbronze.

Love the bike, it's light, full of torque and goes like stink even when running it in.

Hopefully the weather will hold up here in the NE of Scotland and I can get the 600 miles in quickly, then get it serviced and unleash the beast.


John S


Nov 6, 2013
Reaction score
Well I've managed to do a few miles on my new bike since I got home.

First impressions after the test ride at the Dealer, were that I would need a different seat (I opted for the Street Rally seat) and a screen (Yamaha one).
These duly arrived and fitted to my bike.

After my first decent run I thought I needed to adjust the suspension, it was a bit bouncy front and rear (probably doesn't help I'm 15 stone). Thanks to Triple Trouble for his settings. Tried them out. It's made a big difference.

Happy with the new seat, I don't slide toward the tank anymore. But didn't realise that it's quite a bit taller than the standard one, I've only got short legs. It's still bloody hard though. Arse is sore after about 80 miles.

Still have an issue with windblast even with the Yamaha screen. My head is in clear air which is great, there is nothing worse than buffeting. But at speeds in excess of 80 mph (on private roads Officer) I'm getting a lot of pressure on my body and can't maintain that speed for long. For Info I'm 5' 10".

Looking on the Forum some folks don't seem to have an issue with speeds even in excess of that. Maybe I need to try a taller screen like the Powerbronze.

Love the bike, it's light, full of torque and goes like stink even when running it in.

Hopefully the weather will hold up here in the NE of Scotland and I can get the 600 miles in quickly, then get it serviced and unleash the beast.


John S

im only 5ft 8 and I have the std seat so I sit lower so I don't have any probs with a constant 90 mph on private roads off course , I think the sr seat is actually harder than the std seat from what I have heard.
Jul 10, 2014
Reaction score
West Midlands
I have the Puig Screen (new Gen), it's slightly taller by a few inches, it comes just over the dash/clock. I'm shorter than both of you, 5' 5" & 11.5 stone.... If the bike was higher I'd really struggle.... (Being vertically

I find the screen great to 85 (private road) then the buffeting starts, I slightly move backwards on the seat, which lowers the helmet height, that helps me tuck behind the screen a bit!... There are higher ones, MRA do touring screens which have had some good mentions in this forum...

I did my first 180 mile stint, and the seat numbed my arse.... Got used to it now so doesn't bother me anymore, might have it scooped next year and gel filled...
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
I have the street rally seat. It is higher but superior to the stock seat & comfort seat, in my opinion. It is harder, but if you're looking for a touring seat, its probably worth investing in some custom work.

I also had the stock Yam flyscreen and had similar issues to you. I'm 5'11 and had major vibration issues with my lid. I was considering shelling out £500 on a new lid, until I read TT's review of the Powerbronze, here .

I bought the 270mm screen (cost about £65) and it's brilliant. Gives me great relief from wind buffeting at speed and is low profile, enough to fit in with the lines of the front end. No more helmet vibration so I've saved myself £440. The MRA is a great screen and certainly gives more relief, but it is a touring screen and hence very high. it all comes down to what you are going to be using the bike for. I highly recommend the powerbronze


Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
I'm around 1.85m (6t 2), so I'm quite a bit taller than all you midgets :p

I ride without any screen and I think the wind is just fine. Perhaps it takes a while to get used to a naked bike? (a good workout for the neck muscles)
My previous was a Bandit street fighter and I remember struggling with the wind at first.

Now I drive around happily at speeds up to 170-180kmh / 105-110mph (private roads of course), and it doesn't bother me one bit.
On the contrary, when I used to have a fairing and screen on my Bandit the wind turbulence would drive me crazy. I much prefer the smooth airflow around the helmet.


May 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nuneaton Warwickshire
I tried the Yam screen but didn't like it so took it off and went back to the original naked and it's much better. The screen threw the wind blast straight into my helmet and it drove me crazy but without it at least the wind blast is smooth and equal all over. There is the pressure of the wind on your chest but if you lean into it then constant motorway speeds of 80ish are fine.

Binned the standard seat and went for the Yam comfort seat which is a bit better but not much so cured the problem with a cheap pair of padded cycle shorts and now days of 200 miles and bearable, (just).

I've had the MT 6 months, put 3200 miles on the clock and it's the best thing I've ridden in quite a few years.
