How to deal with Builders


Oct 9, 2015
Reaction score
La Sauvetat de Dropt
My Mrs and I are going our separate ways, we live in separate parts of the house, but have to admit she did have me in stitches today.
I went out shopping this morning and when I came back there was a guy on the roof of the house. He called down to me something in French to which I gave the Gallic Shrug.
I asks her what the guy is doing on the roof, fixing a ridge tile !!!, okay, and I thought no more about it. 10 minutes later this guy is going ballistic. Oh, by now he is shouting in English, What's up with him I asks her.
Turns out he told her there were two tiles needed fixing , so two tiles? She says the robbing bastard said €20 for the first tile, ok!!! ,so now he says he wants €50 for doing the two so I told him to feck off and have taken his ladder away.
This lad was about 30 maybe 35 and built like a builder. I thought feck this and pissed off out on the MT09.
Roof looks okay, wife has an ear to ear grin on her face, we agreed €30 for the two, he left two hours ago.
