

MT account

well well, i bought my bike back in mid may. it came with 3 number plates, a big 1, an ok sized medium 1 and stupid sized tiny 1. well, after doing a tailtidy mod i removed the large 1 and fitted the medium sized 1. i dont like tiny plates as theyre an obvious puller.
ive had loads of mot's over the years on lots of different bikes with a mid sized plate with no issues. that soon came to an end saturday morning at 8:30am just short of my destination.
i first noticed the fluroesent green bike behind me as i made my way off a motorway roundabout. it lurked some way behind me........he was sussing out his gameplay.
i guessed a stop was gonna be in order cos bike pigs solely exist to belittle everyone else as they are superoir beings to every other person on the road, especially motorcyclists. so i make my way into town trying to do my best sunday riding concidering i was freezing my nuts off n gagging for a piss.
around 3 miles later the car in front of me suddenly pulled to the side, i then noticed the cop had stuck the blues on and came along side me shouting at me to pull over.
i could tell this was gonna be some sort of sermon about this n that n how he doesnt like scraping the likes of me off the road blah-de blah-de blah, although i was completely oblivious as to what his beef was at that time.
so, after a quick "good morning, youll need to shout cos ive got earplugs in" i was sternly told to remove my helmet. this was then followed by 3 mins worth of demamding to see some photo ID. i told him i didnt have any as my paper licence was still valid and my atm card was good enough........oh dear, that got him started.
he invited me to walk 4-5 metres back from my bike and asked if i could read the numberplate?..........well 'course i fucking could, it was as clear as fucking day to read! i thought of offering him my glasses cos the twat needed some but of course we're dealing with a special breed of cunt here and winding him up would only increase my telling off. so i went with the "it was on the bike when i bought it-i thought it was legal".....which was true.
then followed the 15 minute dressing down with all the construction and use regulations thrown in for good measure. i sometimes think they only reel that shit out to impress themselves on remembering all of it but it seems to make them happy.
i just sheepishly stood there while dozens of cars slowly passed with that "haha biker scum" look in their eyes.
the next bit did make me laugh tho........after the sermon on number plates he then got round to doing a vehicle check on the bike........it came back as a fiat punto!!!!
Hahahahahaa! now THAT i did not expect!!
so im standing there on the side of the road while hes now ranting on about a stolen bike on false plates......i told him id hpi'd the bike before buying it. he told me that wasnt true cos the plate was off a fiat........"i did it over the phone with the number the seller supplied me with before i went to get it!". he wasnt having it. so i told him i insured it over the phone too. i was told insurance companies will issue insurance to any registration number you give them........BOLLOCKS THEY DO.....TWAT!
they told me what bike it was when i gave them the reg.number from the HPI check on the phone.
so then i tell him to check the tax disc which he did. turns out the number plate has a wrong letter on it! lol!!! the tax disc comfirmed it was an MT and that i was indeed the registered owner. for a minute there i thought i might be walking home!
now he had me, he went into overdrive on reading the riot act, i felt like putting the ear plugs back in but i knew he had me by the balls, no point in making him look for more shit to nail me with........and while i was thinking that, the trump card got played with the statement "i can have this towed off the road and impounded"........oh yawn!
i offered to change the letter with some sticky tape but he wasnt having it, oh no. out came the booking pad which im sure he was itching to get out the whole time since he first saw me. the ticket was duly written and i bided my time till he told me to go.
i was fairly confident that a ticket was the end of it so i had to slip 1 in so i gave him "well i, ive been riding round on that plate since i bought the bike n didnt realise it! imagine all the speed cameras and drive offs i coulda done n got away with it!".......that will get him tamping i thought...... sure enough his parting shot was, "i will be reporting the plate to DVLA so they can search their database for any bikes that have triggered a camera with the wrong number plate on it".
'course you would pal, and no doubt you probably hang out on forums taking notes on bikers admitting to speeding or doing other naughty things on the road.............
i know a retired bike pig, he rocked up in thailand and started riding with us. wasnt long before he started critisizing everyones riding because his was faultless. funny thing tho was i saw him have 3 accidents while i was in town and he had a few more over the year while pissed.
he also had to put down anyone who wasnt British...........he ended up on his ass on the end of a vietnam veterans fist. he only rides a scooter now, and drinks on his own.

..........................and as for the dyslexic welsh twat that paid for 3 number plates but got all 3 wrong???..........knob!
Jul 31, 2014
Reaction score
South Wales
You must be unlucky. I have been riding bikes for 49 years, 10 in Australia, the rest in this country.
I have never been pulled in the UK, but the cops in Oz were absolute bastards.
When I lived in Oz in the late 60's to late 70's the cops hated bikers, and I was set up twice for speeding.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't an angel, but was never caught speeding legit.
If you think the cops are bad over here, take a visit to Oz. All they are are bloody tax collectors.
There is no leeway over there, you will get done for 65 kph in a 60 kph zone, that's about 3 mph over the limit.


Aug 20, 2014
Reaction score
They are all cnuts, me and my brother got pulled up the other day and coped a lecture because my brothers redgo was due in September, when I asked him if he knew it was August his face went bright red and I thought his head would explode ( here's for hopping hay ) then he asked for our licence. Now my brother has epilepsy so he has a medical certificate that says he's ok to drive/ ride when he handed it to the pig he said " what is it expired?" And my brother responded "can't you read? "I was trying not to pee my pants laughing, but that did It he went all out with the rant blah blah blah! This is when I thought well we've got nothing to loose and that's when I interrupted him and said " mate it's either lecture or ticket! Not both" he through our licence at us, marched off, jumped in his car and fcuked off.


Jun 17, 2014
Reaction score
They are all cnuts, me and my brother got pulled up the other day and coped a lecture because my brothers redgo was due in September, when I asked him if he knew it was August his face went bright red and I thought his head would explode ( here's for hopping hay ) then he asked for our licence. Now my brother has epilepsy so he has a medical certificate that says he's ok to drive/ ride when he handed it to the pig he said " what is it expired?" And my brother responded "can't you read? "I was trying not to pee my pants laughing, but that did It he went all out with the rant blah blah blah! This is when I thought well we've got nothing to loose and that's when I interrupted him and said " mate it's either lecture or ticket! Not both" he through our licence at us, marched off, jumped in his car and fcuked off.

It's same everywhere, here they work in pairs, bc one can write and the other can read. ;-)


Aug 18, 2014
Reaction score
North West
I'm trying to save up for a plate with less letters then I can have a smaller plate and not even break any rules.

Ill be the king of small plates :D


Nov 22, 2013
Reaction score
You must be unlucky. I have been riding bikes for 49 years, 10 in Australia, the rest in this country.
I have never been pulled in the UK, but the cops in Oz were absolute bastards.
When I lived in Oz in the late 60's to late 70's the cops hated bikers, and I was set up twice for speeding.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't an angel, but was never caught speeding legit.
If you think the cops are bad over here, take a visit to Oz. All they are are bloody tax collectors.
There is no leeway over there, you will get done for 65 kph in a 60 kph zone, that's about 3 mph over the limit.

Ain't that the truth. I was riding in the uk since I was 16 (a long time) been in Aus 2 years and already the cops are raking it in from me. Oh and I had to but a new Arai because mine didn't have a "special" sticker on it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Aug 29, 2014
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
You must be unlucky. I have been riding bikes for 49 years, 10 in Australia, the rest in this country.
I have never been pulled in the UK, but the cops in Oz were absolute bastards.
When I lived in Oz in the late 60's to late 70's the cops hated bikers, and I was set up twice for speeding.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't an angel, but was never caught speeding legit.
If you think the cops are bad over here, take a visit to Oz. All they are are bloody tax collectors.
There is no leeway over there, you will get done for 65 kph in a 60 kph zone, that's about 3 mph over the limit.

Aah, were in Sydney?

Here in Melb, I assure you, you get done at 3kmh over the limit, it's all in the hands of the private collectors.

But the coppers I've encountered have all been friendly enough, maybe when they see a middle aged biker (I'm 48) they kinda let off a bit easier. Usually.Still, 3 speeding tickets to my biking record tho ...
