My speedometer show 5km/h too much

we have this signs that show you your speed when your enter villages in Denmark. all of them say the same.
All speedo's say you are slightly faster than you really are, its built in to prevent you getting too many tickets!!
im ok with my farts making a din..............its the silent ones that get you gagging.................
Yes it's completely normal. There is a device called speedohealer, I think the company that makes them is called health tec or something. Anyway just google speedo healer you will find it and it comes with great instructions that are easy to read on how to dial out the speedo error. Easy to use and comes with a top speed memory ( a button you press that shows your top speed, very cool)
Yes it's completely normal. There is a device called speedohealer, I think the company that makes them is called health tec or something. Anyway just google speedo healer you will find it and it comes with great instructions that are easy to read on how to dial out the speedo error. Easy to use and comes with a top speed memory ( a button you press that shows your top speed, very cool)

I had a quick look and Healtech Speedohealer V4 is coming with SH-U01 wiring harness for the Yamaha MT09. That looks to be a universal harness, not plug and play, so you need to splice 4 wires to some wires on the bike, and I'll be fucked if I'm doing that to my shiny new bike.

SpeedoDRD have a H3 harness listed for the FZ9 2014 which is plug and play, but they do not list the MT-09. I guess its pretty likely that the speed sensor on the MT09 is the same as the FZ9. I already have a SpeedoDRD which I removed from my FZ1 before I got rid of it, bit pissed off the Y1 connector on it apparently wont work on the MT09. Speedohealer allows you to change the bike harness connector, SpeedoDRD does not. So looks like my Y1 SpeedoDRD will be going on Fleabay when I can bother my arse to put an ad up.
We have this kind of radar called "pedagogique".
They are ALL giving bad informations for bikes, it can be -10% or + 30% ...

But controled with a GPS at different speeds the error is 7% with new tires and increase to 9% with fully used tyres.
