A Special Day?


Apr 16, 2014
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Bright, Ontario, Canada
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....And you, good yeoman,
Whose limbs were made in England, show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and base,
That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

Happy St. Georges Day!
terribly sorry old chap but we dont do st George anymore because it upsets those brown fellows........apparently we're not allowed to easter either....
Where i work , there are safety signs in lithuanian, polish and russian (english obvs) none in welsh !!!! Which is just as well cause i cant speak it :eek: I do know however that zaloopa , is bell end in lithuanian. Britain is dissapearing........
Where i work , there are safety signs in lithuanian, polish and russian (english obvs) none in welsh !!!! Which is just as well cause i cant speak it :eek: I do know however that zaloopa , is bell end in lithuanian. Britain is dissapearing........

I once spent a few weeks working in the Swansea area. I didn't see or hear any languages other than Welsh and English.
its a great shame that we are afraid to show any patriotism anymore in case it offends certain religions and races, I have a lot of black friends and they are patriotic but it seems to be the Asian ones that take offence, im all for a mix in society as long as the country doesn't loose its identity , but it seems our country is losing its customs and values, im a great believer in the saying when in rome do as the romans, as I did when I was in the middle east I fitted in and respected there rules and customs, the thing is we don't get the same respect in return nowadays, I really think we need to pull out of Europe because we can then rule ourselves rather than be ruled by Brussels , as far as trade etc they will still trade with us as trade is a 2 way thing, but we need to release ourselves from the shackles of Europe and return governance to the uk, we don't have the euro anyway so its not like we are 100% in it anyway and thank god we didn't join the euro as we would be in a worse state than we are in now.
I'm not racist at all but after serving so long for queen and country I can't help but wonder who it was I was fighting for coz it seems to me like I was fighting for the very same people/races/nationalities for whom I was fighting against in wotever country I was in at the time...!

MT-09 Wheelie Wheelie mental.....!
Where i work , there are safety signs in lithuanian, polish and russian (english obvs) none in welsh !!!! Which is just as well cause i cant speak it :eek: I do know however that zaloopa , is bell end in lithuanian. Britain is dissapearing........
well old chap, HAM means something quite different in Thai......but you wield it like a sword.......happy days...
its a great shame that we are afraid to show any patriotism anymore in case it offends certain religions and races, I have a lot of black friends and they are patriotic but it seems to be the Asian ones that take offence, im all for a mix in society as long as the country doesn't loose its identity , but it seems our country is losing its customs and values, im a great believer in the saying when in rome do as the romans, as I did when I was in the middle east I fitted in and respected there rules and customs, the thing is we don't get the same respect in return nowadays, I really think we need to pull out of Europe because we can then rule ourselves rather than be ruled by Brussels , as far as trade etc they will still trade with us as trade is a 2 way thing, but we need to release ourselves from the shackles of Europe and return governance to the uk, we don't have the euro anyway so its not like we are 100% in it anyway and thank god we didn't join the euro as we would be in a worse state than we are in now.

The problem is that it's
1) too late and
2) I don't think it's so much the influx of Eastern Europeans as much as the asians.

I'm not a racist either but in my there should be a limit to everything. When I was getting train to work, most of the mornings (living in East London) I was the only white person in the carriage. That's a bit of an overkill in my view. Ok, they are probably all working people and are doing jobs we wouldn't but there are 10 more for each one of them sitting at home, watching TV and receiving benefits from MY taxes that won't even think about getting a job, let alone actually go to a job centre. Of course there are as many lazy white parasites as there are other nationalities but overall it makes my blood boil when I read stuff like this or when I hear about muslims not too far away trying to get rid of all white teachers in their schools so that they could impose their own rules. Or when they are trying to get rid of all their neighbours because they aren't muslims.

Oh, don't get me started on this...
I don't think its to late because when we have a referendum the smart money is on us leaving Europe, and it is the freedom of movement that is causing problems with our population growth and drain on resources and services, also there are a lot of non eu imigrants coming into the uk via the back door through Europe with fake id etc, once we leave Europe we can then decide if we want to be held to ransom by a a religion that is stuck in the dark ages, why should they have a burka on when they buy petrol but we have to remove our helmet is that fair no its not, also if you don't like our customs in our country its simple really theres plenty of planes flying to countries with similar religious beliefs.
