*****aftermarket ecu flash*****

Do we rename the two ECU threads for ease of reading?

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Unless some media pick up the story and do bad press because of stupid sticker or ecu map. I juts want to remind that snatchy throttle isn't a problem for everyone.
To me if they were open about the issues and fixes that shows me they are a company that care and are willing to listen to their customers and act on it.

I'd quite like to hear a review that stated blah blah snatchy throttle but Yamaha stepped up and solved it blah blah. If yiu ask me that's good press, not bad press.

We're all only human at the end of the day so we don't expect them to launch a new product 100% issue free.
To me if they were open about the issues and fixes that shows me they are a company that care and are willing to listen to their customers and act on it.

I'd quite like to hear a review that stated blah blah snatchy throttle but Yamaha stepped up and solved it blah blah. If yiu ask me that's good press, not bad press.

We're all only human at the end of the day so we don't expect them to launch a new product 100% issue free.

Hey I totally understand and share your feelings, but I also understand how corporate bullshit politics and attitude toward such things works, they will fix things but the last thing they will do they admit that smith was wrong.
Hey I totally understand and share your feelings, but I also understand how corporate bullshit politics and attitude toward such things works, they will fix things but the last thing they will do they admit that smith was wrong.

All this about being unable to reverse the flash once installed doesn't ring true...surely it will be held on their database, it's only a bit of computer software...isn't it?
No big firm will admit liability for a fault in their product...why a lot of court cases are settled out of court without admitting liability. If somebody has an accident due to Yamaha admitting that their product had a snatchy throttle ...(in affect, a defect) and stated that they have now 'corrected' it..the legal implications for anyone claiming they were injured would be immense....and if they announced a 're-call' it would make them look like they sell/distribute faulty products...all damaging their marketability. The whole thing has been handled badly...their P.R. advisors are rubbish! What they should have said is that they have listened to the feedback and have come up with a different mapping if some customers request it, giving customers a choice of how they prefer their MT09. By keeping all this 'hushed up', it's made Yamaha look like they fucked up and are discreetly trying to put it right....which personally I think they are trying to do. Customers world-wide shouldn't be having to buy altenative remedy products like G2 Tamers, power commanders, filters, and god knows what else! The snatch or on/off is a problem that thousands of people are complaining about...not just a handful....and the magazines with their expertise have also crticised the throttle roll-on. Those who don't have a problem with it from stock...well done you! ....just my opinion. any feedback welcome as always!
Been reading this trhead with interest. Its a line I have been thinking about a great deal. Nice to see there is a healthy amount of discussion/argument/disagreement/issues etc. Good to see what looks like an argument generating into healthy debate :D ! Im going down the suspension route first. Ive ordered Ohlins rear shock [500] and fork springs [90] from FTR suited for my bodyweight [fat bsatard !] to be fitted in the next couple of weeks when the arrive and I can get over to Bury St. Edmonds. [I prefer my bike to handle first, go faster second !] At the moment, I do have issues with the off/on throttle but I am getting to learn my way round it. [using 3rd rather than 2nd out of roundabouts/corners and letting the torque do the work. Ill let you guys do the groundwork. Im not going to go the Yammy reflash route or the other reflash routes. Well not yet !
TT. One question. My old Thundercat had a front wheel driven speedo. Not having looked, does the 09 have a gear driven speedo drive ? Can the reflash make the speedo read more accurately ?
A speedo healer might help if you want to increase the accuracy.

Speedo Healer V4
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My local dealer are awaiting feedback before they flash their demo bikes so as yet I can't find one to try [emoji30]
My local dealer are awaiting feedback before they flash their demo bikes so as yet I can't find one to try [emoji30]

Tell them to pull their fingers out and contact Raceways of Fleetwood on 01253 872 037. They have fitted their demo with the new mapping and feedback has been positive.
Couldn't get to Raceways. Let us know how he went on. Had not realisd they had already done the mod on the demo.

Feedback from the mechanics is good-they like it. I have monitered other MT09 sites from Italy. U.S. Australia and netherlands...all report positive feedback. I am now waiting for my friend to finish his test ride of the demo who is a good fast competent rider....will update asp. Mine is booked in for Tues 11am if you can get round for a brew!
