
  1. O

    Stumped On Rear Shock Adjustment

    Firstly let me appologise if i have missed it but i have tried a search but couldn't find this subject. I found the suspension to be quite harsh on the Tracer so adjusted the rear shock to the minimum preload setting, that was a doddle, however i took the wife out for her first trip on the back...
  2. RipGroove

    How to adjust MT-09 display brightness [VIDEO]

    Mine was set at '4' as default, this is how I adjusted it up to '6'
  3. l34chy

    after market chain adjusters

    seen these on eBay has anyone tried them? I have heard a great deal of controversy regarding wheel alignment and bad adjusters. I personally haven't had an issue but there again I have only adjusted my chain twice. well gonna be doing a few trackdays and hill climbs so any info?
