Colour choice

So.... To recap on my original question..... Racing blu or deep amour.

Gold forks are for homosexuals....... Blue wheels and mat grey tanks are gay.

Supermoto boy has a big one between his legs and twozup wears pink nail polish...

Did I miss anything chaps.
Yes...! Birdy is a dinosaur when it comes to technology and Twozup likes to sell XL soiled undercrackers that have seen a high side or 2 and if u stand still long enuf crotchrocket will wrap u in carbon because he "thinks it looks quality"! Lol
So.... To recap on my original question..... Racing blu or deep amour.

Gold forks are for homosexuals....... Blue wheels and mat grey tanks are gay.

Supermoto boy has a big one between his legs and twozup wears pink nail polish...

Did I miss anything chaps.

Sorry for all the hijacks Rixx we just couldn't resist

Have to say in all honesty only you should be deciding what colour is right for you mate

Orange did it for me others on here wouldn't even consider it

It's such a personal choice bud it's not really one for a bunch of homosexuals with blue wheels grey tanks gold forks and pink nail polish to answer

You'll know it's right when the right colour of bike chooses you....

Good luck!

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Yes...! Birdy is a dinosaur when it comes to technology and Twozup likes to sell XL soiled undercrackers that have seen a high side or 2 and if u stand still long enuf crotchrocket will wrap u in carbon because he "thinks it looks quality"! Lol

and I put my cock through dremmeled holes in chip board panels in public toilets.
So.... To recap on my original question..... Racing blu or deep amour.

Gold forks are for homosexuals....... Blue wheels and mat grey tanks are gay.

Supermoto boy has a big one between his legs and twozup wears pink nail polish...

Did I miss anything chaps.

if you like cottaging the orange is the best colour because when you arrange a meet its easy to find you.
Cheers... Triple, I probably will not bother with the ABS. Just needed someone to validate that..

Mat grey didn't stand out like the others.... I originally went in thinking the orange bike would be the one, but after seeing the Deep Amour and Racing blu.... I'm a little unsure.....

Always associated purple with custom cruisers... Not so much now...

Only one bike comes with a painted front mudguard :rolleyes: Choice is thereby made for you.

I'd still like deep armor and race blu wheels though, my offer of a swap still stands now the tyres have done a hefty 60 miles.
How the feck did that happen I was replying to a totally different thread!?!?
Must be the bugs the admin warned us about during the forum name change
Or I'm just a retard

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I've posted about colour before but you can't have too much of a good thing so I may as well do it again..... :)
After looking at the bikes in magazines I thought i'd go for deep armor, until I saw it for real. In bright sunlight it's stunning, the rest of the time it looks black.
So I ordered Blazing Orange.
When my bike arrived it looked wicked. In direct sunlight there's a a gorgeous metalflake effect and even in dull light it still looks good.
But then I saw this "special" in the dealers and bought that instead.... :cool:

Is that the same cock that jumped out in front of SuperMotoBoy???

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no I am down south in dorset , and the founding and only member of the" mt 09 cottaging riding and bumming club dorset branch" supermotoboy is the only member of the Lancashire branch.
