Colour choice

I've posted about colour before but you can't have too much of a good thing so I may as well do it again..... :)
After looking at the bikes in magazines I thought i'd go for deep armor, until I saw it for real. In bright sunlight it's stunning, the rest of the time it looks black.
So I ordered Blazing Orange.
When my bike arrived it looked wicked. In direct sunlight there's a a gorgeous metalflake effect and even in dull light it still looks good.
But then I saw this "special" in the dealers and bought that instead.... :cool:

View attachment 677

I saw that Kenny Roberts paint job at CMC in Cannock.... They had two and they looked amazing.... Both were sold.

One had the akra pipes and the chap started her up..... Sounded very nice, I asked him to start up the standard bike and it was a tad underwhelming by comparison..... But £900 is way to expensive..
Anyway Rixx. What colour are you getting ffs the suspense is killing me!!!

Click [HERE] then {HERE}

White street triple I think......... Joke

Honestly.... Don't now...... I shall take the advice of a previous post on this thread and see which one jumps out.

I've only seen the bikes inside the showroom, I think when I get to see them outside I will know....

Deep amour most likely......
