Fcuk you yamaha uk you nosey w@nk3rs

There are also a lot of brilliant comments posted on this site about the MT09, people love the grin factor that the MT09 gives them.
I currently own a Yamaha MT09, an XT1200Z and an XT660X, so they must be doing something right.
Because of my comments regarding the MT09 in my bike group (Newcastle Midlife Crisis Bikers) Yamaha have increased their sales by an MT09 and three MT09 Tracers.
Forums like this are crucial for owners to help each other and share the good, the bad and the ugly.
I'm also a member of a popular kayaking forum, where a major UK kayak manufacturer regularly chats to owners, offers feedback and even helps out with warranty claims, which in my view is great customer service, and how it should be, Yamaha should do the same, it would certainly be good for their reputation.
Not too sure what people expect when it comes to brand owners monitoring forums and social media. You write it down ... it becomes 'discoverable' ... you then gotta live with the consequences of your actions. There is no such thing as privacy. I reckon we have the MT-07 & 09 as a direct result of this type of media ... brilliant tech at the right price point. It's what we constantly talk about. I'm associated with brand protection enforcement and know the competitive nature of the manufacturers and how they police their product lines. We all should be very mindful of what we talk about as there is always an interested party looking at the current vibe.
I reckon we have the MT-07 & 09 as a direct result of this type of media ... brilliant tech at the right price point.

brilliant tech... I'll just clean this coffee off the keyboard... thanks :D
if they fettled the suspension and put the price up a couple of hundred quid, to cover their costs, it would be "brilliant tech at the right price"
as it is WE have to source aftermarket suspension at £££'s or live with the bouncy, undersprung, poorly valved shite Yamaha gave us... I'm coming from a Street Triple R, the bike the media said was the MT09's competition, well, it's not, the Street Triple is in a different league altogether... IMHO
brilliant tech... I'll just clean this coffee off the keyboard... thanks :D
if they fettled the suspension and put the price up a couple of hundred quid, to cover their costs, it would be "brilliant tech at the right price"
as it is WE have to source aftermarket suspension at £££'s or live with the bouncy, undersprung, poorly valved shite Yamaha gave us... I'm coming from a Street Triple R, the bike the media said was the MT09's competition, well, it's not, the Street Triple is in a different league altogether... IMHO

Isn't that the point though. They know that prolly >75% of the owners won't be that bothered about the suspension, they'll just use the bike as is. They know that the rest will fettle the machines to their liking ... I haven't even got mine yet but had always intended to rip the suspension off and replace with Ohlins. I expect that on a bike of this price. I do think they'll bring out an updated variant like the Triumph R models.
I'm very bothered about your comments re Triumph ... I rode my 675 Daytona down to the dealership yesterday and said I've got a horrible feeling that I've made an error of judgement here. I hope not otherwise the 09 will have a short stay in my garage.
Not too sure what people expect when it comes to brand owners monitoring forums and social media. You write it down ... it becomes 'discoverable' ... you then gotta live with the consequences of your actions. There is no such thing as privacy. I reckon we have the MT-07 & 09 as a direct result of this type of media ... brilliant tech at the right price point. It's what we constantly talk about. I'm associated with brand protection enforcement and know the competitive nature of the manufacturers and how they police their product lines. We all should be very mindful of what we talk about as there is always an interested party looking at the current vibe.

Not sure you read my original post in this thread. It's not about brand ownership. It's about yamaha reading something I wrote and then contacting the dealership in question and moaning because one of their employees was posting on this forum. He's my mate, I don't work for him so that's why I can post what I like.
There's a very good reason why yamaha don't like this forum but that's a whole other story and not for general topic
Go buy a Street Triple then..... just saying.

I did buy a Street Triple R, traded it in for my MT09, why ? because it was too predictable and underpowered
bought the MT for the grin factor, it is a lot more fun to ride, just a lot easier to crash (yeh yeh it's the rider not the bike) so I've had to change my riding style completely. better "adjustable" suspension would probably make it the best bike I've owned.

are you listening Yamaha ? make an R model :D
just to clarify, I did own a Street Triple R, did nearly 16,000 miles on it, then traded it in for an MT09, on which I've done 5,000 miles so far.
I made a decision... keep the best handling street bike or get some grin factor, I chose grin factor :D
I emailed Yamaha after my suspension bottomed out and dented my Akra (the one that they fitted at their dealership) while on a normal smooth road at the bottom of a long sweeping downhill turn, and all they said was "show your local dealer", so I showed my dealer the dent when it went for a service recently and all they did was say "I think they recalled the very early Akra's and redesigned them so they were a bit further away from the ground" and that was it. No mention of anything helpful that might fix it, in fact while it was on the service they actually softened up my suspension without asking me first, which IMO makes it more likely to bottom out again!

I weigh 12 stone without gear and if the suspension is already too soft for just me then I don't dare put a passenger on the back as we'll no doubt ruin the Akra and possibly crash!

IMO the bike is not fit for purpose where the suspension is concerned, the bike comes with rear passenger footrests but apparently it's too dangerous to ride with a passenger.

The bike is going to a local suspension specialist in a few weeks for a static suspension setup to see what they can get out of the stock equipment but if it's no better then i'll have no choice but to pay out and upgrade the parts and then have it set up again, all of this just for safety reasons, not so much performance or anything.
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