not an MT for sale


MT account

nope, its defo not an MT. in fact it was probably built before the designer of the MT was born........maybe. and it was rebuilt again around 2012 by me cos i got fed up with looking at its bulbous grey ass, and also got fed up pushing its fat arse off the dual carriageway every time it ran out of petrol coming back from the pub. its much easier to push now as its about 3 ton lighter since i got all that plastic off it. not that i push it, i dont even ride it so im gonna bite the bullet and sell it along with another bulbous prolink that i bought as a reference guide cos i forgot where all the bits went on the red 1. it does need a fettle, we can work a deal round this or it can go as is, £4000, £5,500 if i sort out the niggles and £4000 for the bloater.

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MT account

Remind me about these when u come up...
Will introduce you to the sales team and see if they can help you...
i was asked to leave the samaritans tent at a VW festival 20 years ago now as they said no one could help me.............they were right..........damn them!
