Two free digital magazines


New member
Nov 9, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
Hey all,

I bought two tickets for the MCN show when it was on which entitled me to two free digital magazines for my iPad (and probably Android). You can pick two of the following ones:
  • Bike
  • Classic Bike
  • RIDE
  • Performance Bikes
  • MCN
  • Practical Sportsbikes

Knowing how you all bought two tickets each too, and are entitled to the same promotion, I just wanted to remind you that you can get those magazines at Digital magazine subscriptions.

The process is not straightforward at the first glance but it's actually not too difficult. All you need to do is
  1. Add one of the magazines to the basket (can't add the second one, will do it later)
  2. Checkout and enter your details
  3. After receiving the confirmation email, click on the provided link and pick the magazine you added to the basket
  4. Download the app and do as the email say - click on the Sign In at the top left, Create Account and enter all the details, including the customer number from the confirmation email
  5. Sign in and download the latest issue of the magazine
  6. Next, go back to the /lms page and add another magazine to the basket and repeat the process
  7. When entering the details, enter the exact same name, email, address, etc.

That's it. I claimed MCN and Performance Bikes and I must say the MCN one is really interesting (haven't read any bike magazines until now). Will probably subscribe to have something in my postbox every Wednesday.

Hope this helps and ask away if you have technical difficulties!
