Are my front breaks supposed to be exposed like this?

Apr 10, 2014
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looks out of place
yes that's how they are. that spring comes off when you remove the pin to change the pads.
My bikes only 3 weeks old and I've already noticed a small amount of surface corrosion on the inside of the disk, definitely more than I would of expected, what do you guys recommend? Acf50?

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what do you mean by the inside of the disc? I wouldn't be putting any oil near the brakes. a little comtamination on the pads or disc surface and you could be in deep trouble.
Do not spray, wipe or use anything apart from soap and water or purposely designed brake cleaner on anything to do with ur brakes.... U have been warned...
I would not even recommend using soapy water some cleaners like fairy ext contain salt and can increase the corrosion quite a lot ..... I tend to after most ride just give them a quick hose down or pour a few cups of water over them
I just leave them alone and break a few times, all gone in seconds. I live very close to the sea so know a bit about corrosion......strangely my bike doesn't corrode anywhere....whereas the discs of my car are brown overnight!

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I would not even recommend using soapy water some cleaners like fairy ext contain salt and can increase the corrosion quite a lot ..... I tend to after most ride just give them a quick hose down or pour a few cups of water over them

I meant soapy as in dedicated bike wash lol but I know wot u mean
we dont have road salt over here but they more than make up for it but covering the roads in acidic concrete dust........cant even see the colour of the bike after some rides....
