My new puig screen arrived and fitted

My stock screen was fitted at 1st service. Since then, it deflects the wind to exactly the right height to make my lid vibrate, at speed (I.e., not national speed limit)

Bug deflection aside, I'm struggling to see the benefit. Just haven't found a screen I like the look of, yet.
Here's my Puig sport screen in black

Really keeps the wind of you with no buffeting, tested up to 100 so far (ahem- cough - cough )

DSC_0397 (2).jpg
has anyone noticed that bugs get directed right into your eyes with the yamaha screen or have i found a new breed of kamikazi bug that goes for the eyes? ive not had some many direct hits before with other bike screens.....
has anyone noticed that bugs get directed right into your eyes with the yamaha screen or have i found a new breed of kamikazi bug that goes for the eyes? ive not had some many direct hits before with other bike screens.....

Haha. Glad I'm not the only one. Within 10 minutes of riding my visor looks like a bug v bug war zone!
My stock screen was fitted at 1st service. Since then, it deflects the wind to exactly the right height to make my lid vibrate, at speed (I.e., not national speed limit)

Bug deflection aside, I'm struggling to see the benefit. Just haven't found a screen I like the look of, yet.

Fit the street rally seat. It raises you about 40mm lol
Haha. Glad I'm not the only one. Within 10 minutes of riding my visor looks like a bug v bug war zone!
its right tho? i got a direct hit in each eye withing 5 mins at 80mph, stopped to wipe the visor off and then got 3 more within 10 miles of riding, never get more than 1 a week on other
Wifey bought puig screen for my birthday.... after rigorous speed testing, i have come to the conclusion that i cant remember what it was like without the screen.... i hope this has been helpful .
Wifey bought puig screen for my birthday.... after rigorous speed testing, i have come to the conclusion that i cant remember what it was like without the screen.... i hope this has been helpful .

you should be a reviewer on mcn , give tips on maintenance and how to fix everything on the bike with just a hammer and screwdriver.
Anyone noticing any real benefit from a these screens?
I love the quirky asymmetry of the offset clock but you lose that with a screen, I need a good reason to commit sartorial suicide lol

I have the Puig also. For me, 5'6'', it really helps. It takes all wind pressure of the chest/body. Windblast hits upper visor area (which is also true without windscreen). So highway speeds are more comfortable and getting down low up to the speed limiter is fine. Without the screen, I felt like I was going to be ripped off the bike at 90mph and above.
