Starting problem

I have the Akra exhaust, and Ive had no issues starting. Doesn't matter if the kill switch is on or off when i turn the ignition on. Starts immediately.
Man, The whole forum stuff saps my will. It's good to hear that everyone's bike starts great, but that was not my idea of this thread. I and others don't need to filter through that. That can go in the general part of the forum. Please comments other than useful fixes or relating elsewhere. Cheers

Yeah me too does my frickin head in all these pommies going off thread!

Which reminds me- When I was at the shops the other day....

Click [HERE] then {HERE}
Lol.Very good. That I wrote ages ago when I thought this was going to be a serious forum. How wrong I was. Every thread should have it's title and plus ramblings. Which I dont mind if thats what everyone including your mum, ( she's a lovely lady) expect.
Depends what the hole is in. A bit if sheet metal or so, na. A beret or a sombrero, yes of course.
Anyone have the problem starting first time for the day. Where the pump sounds like it's priming when the key is turned, but the bike has to be thumbed to start the prime then thumbed again to start. What a pain in the rear. Called yamaha, was told it's normal and the will havea look next service.

Yep I have/had this - especially in the early days. Id turn the ignition on the then flick the swtich on and it would just turn over endlessly without starting. If you then turn it off and then on again via the switch it works straight away. Cullys also said its a non-issue

As others have said if you let it prime for a few seconds before starting it seems to start ok - its also gradually started to go away now I've done 1800km.

I usually turn my bike off via the key now and not killswitch - I leave the switch in the middle so whenever I turn the key its already priming and it generally starts first pop of the switch - it only doesnt when im a bit too quick with the switch after turning the key.
^^^^^wot he said^^^^^

And TOX I take great offence to wot u said about my mom....she is NOT a lady..! Lol

MT-09 Wheelie Wheelie mental.....!
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Ill ask about it when I take my bike in to have the new tensioner fitted.. Ill let you know

Hey braedan. Have you checked with your dealer about the cam chain tensioner? My bikes in for 1000k service tomorrow. At a different dealer than I bought it from due to distance, but I emailed them about it and they knew nothing of it?
